Saturday, 18 June 2016

Plunket Fundraiser

Plunket Fundraiser

Friday 17 June 2016 is a Mufti Day, wear your favourite outfit.

This is to raise funds for our local Plunket group.

In total, Oaklands School raised $701.70.

Monday, 13 June 2016

Warriors Visit

Vodafone Warriors Visit

Oaklands School was one of the lucky schools in Christchurch that got a visit from the Warriors before their game against the Penrith Panthers. During the visit, they shared the importance of HYDRATION, SLEEPING and BELONGING to a GROUP.


Our bodies are made up of approximately 70% water. Water has many important functions in the body, including; regulating the body's temperature, digesting food and excreting waste. Your body loses water throughout the day when you sweat, breathe and urinate. It is important to replace the water you have lost to prevent yourself from becoming dehydrated.

The amount a child needs to drink as it can vary greatly, due to factors including age, gender, the weather and how much physical activity they do.  It is advised that kids aged 4-13 aim to drink approximately 6-8 glasses of fluid a day in addition to the water included in the food in their diet.


The average kid has a busy day. There's school, taking care of your pets, running around with friends, going to sports practice or other activities, and doing housework. By the end of the day, your body needs a break. Sleep allows your body to rest for the next day.

Belonging to a Group

All children need to feel that their environment is a safe place where people will care about them, where their needs for support, respect and friendship will be met. When these needs are met children develop a sense of belonging.

A sense of belonging has been found to help improve children's learning. Children who feel that they belong are happier, more relaxed and have fewer behavioural issues. They are more likely to be more motivated and more successful as learners.


Year 3 Collaboration

To extend the collaboration between the Year 3 classes we will be working with Room 1,2 and 3 for our daily fitness rotation.  
(We are working on our endurance for Cross Country and relays.)

We are also learning with Room 3 for Shared Reading during read and feed time from 11-11:10 everyday. We will alternate the host and visiting class so that Room 3 hosts Room 4 on the odd weeks and Room 4 hosts Room 3 on even weeks.


Saturday, 11 June 2016

The Groynes

The Groynes 

On Friday,10th June, Room 4 went on a trip to The Groynes. We went on this trip to learn about how we as humans can affect insect's habitats. Not only did we learn about habitats, but we also learned about our responsibility to make a difference.

Here are some more info:

Lesson Description:
Students will investigate what lives in and around the streams. They'll get up close and personal to examine the fresh water invertebrates, and will find out what's in the water that affects them. Students will have personal empathy for these creatures as they participate in a role play game.

Possible learning outcomes
Students may be able to:
  • say why streams are significant places, what their value is and whether they should be protected areas
  • name a variety of animals that live in a stream and some of the factors they depend on to live successfully in this area
  • describe the relationships between the plants and the animals and their reliance on a healthy habitat
  • identify actions that they can take to help protect waterways.
Here we are in action: