Sunday, 27 March 2016

Room 4 Super Girls

Room 4 is hard-working.

We are very lucky to have hard-working students in Room 4. Three of these hard-working children are Sophie A, Zubia and Christina, Super Girls.

The Super Girls have volunteered themselves to do a report on holidays that occur during the year.

Their first report was on the Irish Holiday of St. Patrick's Day.

Here is their report

Well done Super Girls!

Kiwi Swim Safe

Kiwi Swim Safe

 This term, Oaklands school was very lucky to get a visit from Tracey, a Kiwi Swim Safe Instructor.
During the session she modelled how to run a swimming lesson.

First thing we practised was how to enter and exit the pool through the sides.

(This is important because in case of an emergency, we will need to know how to exit the pool safely and quickly.)

Next thing we learned was how to use our legs to propel us. (Here we are in action!)

Next was how to float! (Wow, floating on our back is tough!)

And finally, a race to end the session!

Thanks Tracey and Kiwi Swim Safe!

Mathletes of Room 4


As a part of the Year 3 Mathletics programme, a Mathlete of Room 4 award will be drawn each week. The Mathlete of the week is someone who consistently finishes their assigned tasks/ activities.

How it works:
- Points are earned for every tasks/ activity finished on Mathletics. For every 1000 points a ticket will be earned, which will go towards the draw.
- The draw will be done every Monday, during the Maths session.
- Mathletics certificates will also be given out to anyone who earns more than 1000 points.


Week 5 (Sophie W)

Week 6 (Patrick)

Week 7 (Zubia)

Week 8 (Caleb)

Friday, 18 March 2016

New Class Pets

Room 4 has two new additions in class. Max and Jay Jay are our new class pets. Both Max and Jay Jay are domesticated rats, both are boys and very friendly. 

Here are some facts about domesticated rats:

1. When rats are happy or playing, they let out a cheerful sound that is similar to laughter.

2. Rats don’t have great eyesight so they rely on their adorable whiskers to interpret their surroundings.

3. They’re really clean animals—cleaner than cats!

4. Their tails give them a great sense of balance, which makes them amazing climbers.

5. They’re excellent snackers and their diet should consist of a good amount of fruits and veggies.

6. Rats are little adventurers and they were one of the first animals to make the trip to outer space.

7. They’re smart little critters. They’ll learn their name and you can even teach them tricks!

8. Rats are stupendous nappers and they spend about 76 percent of daylight hours sleeping.

9. They’re tiny little creatures with big personalities, kinda like pocket-sized puppies!

10. Most of all, they’re smart, sweet little cuties who love to form a bond with their human.

Come and visit us!